Sunday, May 8, 2011

California: Passes Dream Act, Illegals Can Borrow Money For Education

opponents of the Dream Act

supporters of the Dream Act

Besides allowing illegals to get drivers license, California Assembly has passed the Dream Act. With the Dream Act illegals can apply for financial support for education through private funded scholarships. I believe that this form of financial aid is only provided for illegals. Citizens need not apply. California has no money, yet they keep expanding social services for illegal aliens.

The Barbarians are at the gate and the far left is inviting into our nation people they don't know anything about. Make no mistake, many of these illegal immigrants are violent criminal repeat offenders who are escaping Mexican justice(?), or looking for a new rich market to sink their teeth in. The brutality, cruelty, and ultra-violence does accurately classify this group of illegal immigrants as barbarians. The progressive liberals are doing nothing except bankrupting the State of California by allowing illegal supporters to take over the state assembly, and expand state social services for all illegal immigrants. They'll find out they went too far when Spanish becomes the required language in all American schools and business.

Compassionate progressive liberals are destroying America financially, and destroying America's sovereignty by keeping the flood gates open to let in more and more illegals. America has millions of illegal immigrants that we don't know who they are, why they 're here, how they make their money, what their criminal record is, and why they left Mexico.

The vast majority of illegal immigrants are young Hispanic men in their 20's. It is well known that young men can make good money working in the human and drug smuggling business. For every one illegal immigrant that is successful in college, there are probably 10-20 illegals working in illegal organizations such drug cartels, human smuggling, drug trafficking, and kidnappings of innocents for ransom.

The liberal progressives in this country are making promises they can't keep. To Democrats thats standard operating procedure. The Democrats are blatantly trying to buy the Hispanic vote by promising citizenship and other perks. They don't care if the extra millions of illegals will overwhelm all our public services. They simply think they'll just tax and spend their way out of the problem as usual. Buying votes is what Democrats do. It violates the true spirit of American democracy as buying votes becomes more important than doing whats right for the country. Immigration is currently destroying our country and nobody is doing anything about it.
