Sunday, May 8, 2011

New Movement To Encourage Illegal Immigrants To Go To California?

Distorting the face of freedom and liberty

I can't bear this perversion of liberty, you don't reward people for breaking your laws, it creates chaos and hypocrites

Mexicans crucify lady liberty in Chicago

Hollywood sanctuary

Lady liberal?

Perverted Californication

The goal of La Raza in California

they believed they are owed something

What racist La Raza wants, should read "our land"

La Raza is Racist against whites and Europeans?

they don't care about our laws

Meet Arafat, help La Raza get our land back from Europeans

Obama's true feelings about illegal immigrants

want a real violent revolution

lots of legal cases to define Aztlan as Mexican territory

the goal is return Aztlan to its rightful owners

what would you like to be called?

a Mexican revolution soon?

papers? we don't no stinkin' papers

these are lands in Red La Raza says Mexico really owns
they believe it's still their land?
future lands under Hispanic control, large U.S. Hispanic vote majority could make this happen?
So far California has the most support for illegal immigrants of any state. Because of their pandering to illegal immigrants at the expense of the American voters and taxpayers. Perhaps it's time to support California in the care and feeding of illegal immigrants.

A national campaign should be started to encourage, recommend, and assist illegal immigrants into migrating to California from all other states in the union. Hey go to California they take better care of you.

Bus illegal immigrants to California. We can and should pick up illegal aliens in all other states and bus them to California. California wants to be a compassionate progressive sanctuary for illegal immigrants. Well then lets send them our illegal immigrants and California can show us how illegal immigration should be done. California's passing pro-illegal immigrant legislation is creating false hopes for many existing and future illegal immigrants.

Here is an appropriate analogy. Californians should understand that you don't feed the bears. If you feed the bears they will never leave and always expect to be fed. If the food is then taken away, the bears can get pretty mean, nasty, and dangerous.

In California's progressive view of the world, nothing is wrong with hard working citizen taxpayers supporting and paying for the entitlements of millions, out of work, non-taxpayers, using food stamps, receiving welfare,  with free health care, and living in subsidized housing. This is the direction California is going and their only solution to all this spending is to raise taxes on the hard working citizen taxpayer. That will not make the hard working citizen taxpayers happy.

When someone enters this country illegally or stays when their visa has expired, or are not living according to the rules of their visa, then they are illegal from that point on. If you have a student visa and you are not a student then you are illegal. From that point on it is the continuation of a criminal act. Any additional crimes committed become aggravating factors in the illegal immigration violation. Quickly penalties add up to a lot of potential jail time and it's not going to get any better. The illegal immigrants with additional crimes have at best a solution to head back to Mexico. Otherwise they eventually will be arrested and sent to an American prison.

When illegal immigrants are not properly handled by ICE and other law enforcement agencies it signals to the whole world that America is not properly protecting it's national security on it's southern border. Just recently a high ranking Muslim cleric with Al Qaeda connections tried to enter America through the southern border. It's not just Mexicans, Hispanics, or South Americans coming over that border. It's criminals and thugs from all over the world.

One thing I've noticed is that Mexican illegal immigrants are constantly praising how wonderful and proud they are of the Mexican nation. If their so proud than what the hell are they doing in America. If Mexico's so great, GO HOME!

La Raza is an anti-white racist organization which claims it will use any means to get Aztlan back under Mexican sovereignty. This includes violence against American citizens. This group should be considered a terrorist group. Any illegal immigrants that are actively involved in the day to day acitivities, should be considered terrorists and should be immediately imprisoned or deported to their home country. La Raza is a threat to national security.

Unlike most immigrants to the U.S., a large number of Hispanic illegal immigrants (and even some legal) keep their loyalty to Mexico and do not become loyal to their new home country of America. In the past large waves of immigration looked forward to start a new life in their new home. They became integrated and assimilated into American culture. Currently, America is finding two groups that do not want to integrate. La Raza Hispanic activists (illegal and legal), and Muslim arrivals. They insult and criticize their new country and keep all their loyalties to their religion or country of origin. It's like they migrated to a new home country that welcomed them, but they don't want to be here. They don't like America. If they don't like America then go home. In many ways these groups are a threat to our national security.

California can have its own version of the Statue of Liberty's Creed.

The original portion of the inscription on the Statue of Liberty:
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me"

The new California version of the inscription:
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to be free

If your poor, uneducated, ultra-violent, criminal repeat offenders,
human and drug traffickers, murderers, burglars, robbers,
pedophiles, rapists, drug addicts, alcoholics, fugitives,
pregnant abusing citizenship, extended families, anchor babies,
La Raza racists, Hispanic gang bangers, prison gangs, car thieves,
Anti-American, Pro-Mexican, entitlement demanding, 
public service abusing, non-English speaking, America exploiting,
with California lands returned to Mexico,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me"