Sunday, December 26, 2010

Why I believe in God ? 

"These are the issues I think about when I think of creation and the possibility of "God". I am not part of any organized religion. I am not part of any University seeking scientific grants. I am not an atheist. I work on gut feeling, common sense, with a forward looking spirit. These are the issues I think are important."

Religion Doesn't Answer All The Questions
I am unconvinced that any organized religion answers all the questions. But they all do attempt to answer many of the issues such as: moral and ethical rules, man's place in the absurd reality, preferred lifestyles of traditional marriage, man's subordinate relationship with a superior entity, how to treat others, how to be humble in the whole scheme of reality, and man has the need to unburden themselves from being responsible for the whole world and everything that happens.

Science Doesn't Answer All The Questions
I am unconvinced that any organized science answers all the questions. But they all do attempt to answer many of the issues such as: how physical reality is constructed with atomic structure and chemistry, how the physical reality of earth, moon, and sun provide the conditions for creating life are established through physics, cosmology, and astronomy, how scientists think our reality was created by the universe's "big bang", how man is just one of many equal partners in an abundance of lifeforms, through biology, anthropology, and evolution on this molten centered watery rock hurtling through space.

Religion Is Vague About Creation
The minimal description of creation in religious books is vague and nonspecific. The religious creation is however compatible with science's big bang creation theory. The descriptions in the holy books can be aligned with some sort of big bang scenario. The religious indication of man being made from the soil of earth is compatible with scientist's theories of amino acid, simple proteins, molecular level development, and microbes that have eventually evolved into current humanity. The biggest difference is that religions state that god was responsible for all the physical development identified in all the sciences.

Science Is Even More Vague About Creation
Other than the "big bang assumption" and "unproven evolution theories" science avoids discussions, specification, and the physical requirements of creation. It makes no firm conclusions about how all these physical relationships, structures in reality, and sciences combine to explain the beginning of creation that led to the existence of man. Sciences do however verify the existence of atomic structure, chemical reactions, DNA, RNA, microbial lifeforms, simple lifeforms, and complex lifeforms. Science also helps provide a description of the required base chemicals on earth, physical conditions of earth, and the gaseous atmosphere on earth needed to encourage the growth of life. But science avoids creation discussion. It sites the "big bang assumption" but never discusses the conditions of the universe prior to that miraculous explosion. Science speaks to the size of space in terms of light speed distances, but these distances are so large that they boggle our ability to comprehend. Our current universe is expanding at an increasing speed, an anomaly and contradiction of standard physics, and yet science is unable to explain how that increasing expansion is even possible.

Why I Believe In God ?
  • complexity and importance of Physics to our existence
  • complexity and importance of Chemistry to our existence
  • complexity and importance of Geology to our existence
  • complexity and importance of Quantum Physics to our existence
  • complexity and importance of Oceans and Seas to our existence
  • complexity and importance of the Sun to our existence
  • complexity and importance of the Moon to out existence
  • complexity and importance of the Earth to our existence
  • complexity and importance of the Solar System to our existence
  • complexity and importance of all living creatures to our existence
  • complexity and importance of Botany to our existence
  • complexity and importance of Astronomy to our existence
  • complexity and importance of Anthropology to our existence
  • complexity and importance of Atmosphere to our existence
  • complexity and importance of Procreation of all creatures to our existence
  • complexity and importance of Diversity of all creatures to our existence
What I have listed above is a starter list of all the complex scientific frameworks that are intertwined, symbiotic, and required to create our physical reality. Many say life most likely exists on other planets. It is possible, but I doubt it. The existence of life is not turning on or off a single light switch.

For life to exist, survive, and prosper every science and entity listed above, and hundreds of thousands of physical relationships must be exactly as they exist today. The slightest change in any of the list above would bring the whole framework crashing down. The slightest change in any mathematical constant relationship in any science could bring the whole framework crashing down. The slightest movement or size change of any planet would bring the whole thing crashing down.

And the absolutely miraculous "set of conditions across all sciences on Earth" which has provided life on our planet, makes us possibly the luckiest creatures to ever exist. How lucky does one have to be so that all the sciences, and their hundreds of thousands of physical relationships listed above, are performing exactly as designed ?

Nobody is that lucky ! That means hundreds of thousands of "light switches" are set in the proper positions for us to exist. Does anyone honestly believe that there is any chance hundreds of thousands of "light switches" settings are random or easily repeatable on some other planet ?  No one is that lucky. So I am looking for the entity that set all those switches. So I am still looking for that master designer, that master electrician, that superior entity, and/or that God. He or She has got to be out there somewhere. Doesn't He ? Doesn't She ?