Sunday, December 26, 2010

Starting Jan 1, 2011 12:01 am: Dems/POTUS Attack GOP/Tea Party 

 Starting at 1/1/2011 12:01 am, the MSM will flood media outlets with articles and op-eds blaming the Republican controlled House of Representatives and Tea Party for everything.  

The GOP is responsible for the Hindeberg, Amelia Earhart, JFK and Bobby Kennedy murder's, death of Mary Joe Kopeckne, the Manson family murders, the deficit, the debt, the economy, Iraq, Afghanistan, Gay Civil Unions, illegal immigrants, climate change, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Government Motors (GM and Chrysler), Obamacare (healthcare), Pigford Agreement, border security, national security, taxes, mortgage/foreclosure crisis, military expenditures, South Korea, North Korea, Iran, Pakistan, Russia START Treaty and unemployment benefits. 

They will blame the outgoing Democratically controlled Senate and House, and POTUS for nothing, and emphasize they're back and they're unexpected number of bills passed in Congress a week before the transition turnover to a new Congress. Which would have not happened except for some RINO's votes. These RINOS will be gone soon.

The Democrats and POTUS will be described in common talking points from MSM describing how: POTUS is back, the Senate is back, and the democrats are not going to yield to the hate of the Republican controlled House. All the progressive liberal journalists are already writing about the faults of the Republican controlled House before anyone has even taken a legislative seat.

Be prepared to ignore a lot of false accusations and charges without any MSM proof or fact checking. These reports will continue throughout the next few years. The MSM strategy is going to be to overwhelm and confuse the voters about GOP and the Tea Party with mountains of cow dung !!!!!