Friday, March 2, 2012

Lets All Live In the Muslim 800's AD....trial then punishment for the Koran burners

Afghan clerics are calling for the trial and punishment of the Koran burners. Why bother to have a trial if the punishment is already being determined? Let's behead the guilty and get it over with. The Afghan people and the Afghan clerics treat people like animals, and are so devoted to a book of hate speech that they cannot see or think straight. These people are backward, uneducated, unsophisticated 800 AD monarchs who prefer a pound of flesh than some reason and forethought.

They act like animals, treat non-Muslims as animals, abuse their women, and promote sexual abuse of minors. These people are living in the 800's AD and judging based on extremist suras in the Koran. What about punishment for those defiling those Korans with their own messages? If clerics are leaders of Muslims then the Muslims are in a lot of trouble. The clerics are shallow primitives with the power of a monarch.

Let's pack up our military, pack up our aid and let Afghanistan stew in its own primitive juices. They randomly kill people for intimidation of Muslims and non-Muslims. Let these people sink to their lower level of culture and become animals like their religion specifies. They are not fit to work and live with other superior cultures in the world. If they want to live like animals, let them, and have no reservations about them living in squalor and hatred. Thats what they want. Let them destroy themselves with their evil ways and Islamic fascist dogma of outdated laws.

All Americans should wake tomorrow and burn a Koran in protest. 200 million Korans burned will make the world a better place.