
Saturday, June 4, 2011

Yearbook causes controversy after it names George W. Bush in list of 'worst people' of all time

I am glad to see that there was "no partisan bias" in their selections? I hope this is not being taught in classrooms. Otherwise a lawsuit would be appropriate.

No Stalin (killed 40 million)? No Mao(killed 40 million)? No John Wayne Gacy(approx. 40 killed)? No Ted Bundy(approx. 30 killed)? Seems like the worst list is partisan agenda driven?

I have my own list of the most "stupid, biased, and partisan American educators" of all time:
  1. those who wrote Arkansas middle school yearbook "worst" list
  2. those who wrote Arkansas middle school yearbook "worst" list
  3. those who wrote Arkansas middle school yearbook "worst" list
  4. those who wrote Arkansas middle school yearbook "worst" list
  5. those who wrote Arkansas middle school yearbook "worst" list
