
Saturday, June 4, 2011

Jill Abramson Replaces Bill Keller As NY Times Managing Editor, believes NY Times is religion and always reports truth

Jill Abramson replaces Bill Keller as managing editor at the NY Times. She says in her house growing up, the NY Times was religion, and we knew every word of the NY Times is absolutely true?

Well maybe not. Since those quotes were scrubbed from the NY Times article about her taking over Bill Keller as manging editor.

Does anyone think that everything the NY Times says is true? Is there anyone that naive? Yes, Jill Abramson! Not sure what planet she's from but it certainly isn't ours. I am sure Jill will continue the same level of "truthfullness" the NY Times has become known for.

I wonder if she had ever noticed the inconsistencies, contradictions, intentional false statements, ignoring news stories in conflict with NY Times Op-Ed, partisan agendas, left wing spin, or the prominence of the elitist liberal anti-military progressive socialist world view at the NY Times.
