
Saturday, June 4, 2011

Time To Put A Moratorium On Foreign Aid?

Federal Spending 2010

major donors of foreign aid

dollars donated by country

foreign aid recipients

global orgs. supported with foreign aid

conutry donation ammount and %GDP
The current economy and financial state of America warrants a global moratorium on foreign aid. Plain and simple, America is not in a stable financial situation that permits providing foreign aid. This moratorium should last anywhere from 3 to 5 years. The funds that would have gone to help other countries will now go to help Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. All 3 entitlements require an immediate increase in funds. Compared to the whole budget, foreign aid is small. But every little bit helps.

To nations that currently receive foreign aid, America regrets that it is not financially able to provide aid at this time. When the American financial situation improves, then foreign aid will resume. For now, count your blessings for all the past decades of foreign aid and take comfort that foreign aid will resume when appropriate to do so.