Tuesday, June 21, 2011

New York Atheists Angry Over 'Heaven' Street Sign Honoring Sept. 11 Victims

Has anyone beside me noticed that atheists are completely inflexible, intolerant, nasty, heartless, and uncaring fanatical religious zealots who think because they think there is no heaven or hell, then there is none and nobody else can say there is. Such certainty from a group that cannot prove anything that it believes.

If all the god religious references are removed from the public square, then by default the government is representing only one religion in the public square. That religion believes there is no god, no heaven, no hell, and no miracles that helped create mankind on this water blue sphere. That religion is Atheism. Yes Atheism is a religion. 

Simple to prove. Hey Mr. Atheist prove there is no god. Mr Atheist: I can't, but I believe it's true. So an Atheist has no proof but "believes or has faith" that there is no god. Any group that "believes or has faith" in what cannot be proven is by definition a religion. Therefore Atheism is just another religion. It happens to be a god-less religion. Darwinism is also a religion. Darwinists "believe or has faith" that evolution theory is true. They can't prove its true, so they are just another religion that happens to believe in evolution, and also believes there is no god. The fossil record disputes the theory of evolution. But you'll never here that from the teachers who teach our children. To them evolution is fact even if it is not even close to being proved, and in many more cases disproved.

By the way. I would think that the selfish pessimistic angry atheists might want to leave it alone since this is a memorial that firemen created for fallen comrades. It's personal to the firemen and and their loss. I believe free speech is still permitted even if you are a public worker. After all, grouchy miserable atheists don't have ownership of the English language nor the public square.

source: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2011/06/21/new-york-atheists-angry-over-heaven-street-sign-honoring-11victims/