Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Keith Ellison: Misrepresenting the Pledge of Allegiance

This country is so screwed up that Keith Ellison, a Muslim, is lecturing Republicans about the meaning of phrases in the Pledge of Allegiance. He warns that "equality for all" is being ignored. If anything ignores "equality for all" it is the Koran. The Koran is hundreds of pages of hate speech.

That's really dumb for him to lecture.. That's like if the Republicans lectured the Muslim community on how to terrorize, bomb, and kill non-Muslims. Doesn't make much sense.

Hey Keith. Muslims will get respect when they stop killing or threatening to kill non-Muslims. It's you the "moderate" Muslim that needs to stop your Muslim extremists. 

One more thing Keith. If you believe the Koran is the word of God spoken by the Archangel Gabriel to Mohammad, and if you believe every word in the Koran, then you are just as bad as the extremists because you sit around and watch the destruction of non-Muslims, do nothing, and accept the Koran's hate speech as the word of God that must be obeyed. The Koran never speaks of peace, equality, and tolerance. It speaks of hatred, violence, and deceit against non-Muslims.
