Sunday, June 26, 2011

In Gold Cup final, it's red, white and boo again, ESPN Tim Howard calls "spanish only" ceremony a 'disgrace'

We are experiencing a hostile takeover by Mexican and South American nationals. U.S. better start enforcing those immigration laws. How many of the Rose Bowl crowd do you think were illega1 immigrants?

Fix this immigration problem before there are real riots in this country between Americans and illegal immigrants. This is America not Mexico!

The Nazi's and Japanese couldn't beat us, but Mexicans are allowed to just walk in and take over? Democrats would rather let illegal immigration continue so that they can give amnesty to their new "undocumented democrats". This immigration neglect by Washington for decades is so serious, that effectively they have allowed our country to be overwhelmed by foreign invaders.  

Shame on Washington. Shame on Democrats. Shame on Republicans. Shame on partisan politics. If Obama attempts to Executive Order some sort of amnesty, there will be literally blood in the streets. Americans have had enough. Americans are not going to take it anymore. Start getting illegal immigrants out of OUR country.

