Thursday, June 2, 2011

How to Deal With Sanctuary Cities and States?

Across America some states and cities declare themselves to be sanctuaries for illegal immigrants. If that's their choice then they should be allowed. The issue is how should non-sanctuary cities and states respond to the existence of sanctuary regions.

America's mixed messages are one of the problems. America desperately needs immigration reform to prevent illegals from entering our country, and figure out what to do with illegals that are already in our country. We don't know who these immigrants are. Why they're here.  How they support themselves. If they pay taxes like Americans do. No immigration decisions can really be made that will work, until the border is sealed.

Note1: job list above conveniently leaves out career criminals, drug users, drug dealers, coyote's, gang bangers, incarcerated aliens, human smugglers, DUI Drivers, rapists, burglars, murderers, kidnappers, La Raza violent racists, pedophiles, molesters, sexual deviants, prostitutes, mentally ill, severely ill, chronic ill, homeless, those on food stamps, those on welfare, number of anchor babies and the number of members in each anchor baby family, ER impacts, tax cheats, and those that are stealing jobs that Americans would do in this bad economy. In addition the costs of all these issues to local, state, and federal government is staggering. It would be much cheaper to just properly seal the border.

Note2: job list above how they collected these numbers is either by inaccurate estimation, or by hispanic community survey which means they know where most working illegal immigrants are in this country. If these are illegal immigrants working then they are working under the table and not paying any tax, or they are using stolen identities.

For more info about sanctuary cities, states, issues, and legislation occurring check out this link: 

If you want some information about Illegal immigrant crime and the impact on our nation check out this link:  

Non-sanctuary regions should give sanctuary regions what they want! Non-sanctuary regions should give Illegal Immigrants what they want! Sanctuary regions wants illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants want sanctuary.

We want to thank sanctuary regions for solving "our" illegal immigrant problem. After all they are not "our" illegal immigrants, they below to the nation and specifically now to the sanctuary regions, since the sanctuary regions say they want to attract illegal immigrants into our country. Illegal immigration now becomes the responsibility of the Sanctuary regions. Those sanctuary regions are the advocates, home, sanctuary from immigration laws, and job market of the illegal immigrant.

The best thing a non-sanctuary state or city can do is repeat the steps listed below until there are no more known illegal immigrants in their non-sanctuary state or city.
  • round up as many illegals immigrants as possible in your area
  • load them on buses
  • pick a sanctuary region
  • travel to that sanctuary region
  • release the illegal immigrants in the sanctuary region
  • travel back home to fill more buses with illegal immigrants for sanctuary