Friday, June 24, 2011

Defunding Planned Parenthood One State at a Time?

clueless women endorse killing babies?
Abortion is completely unneeded if proper contraception is used. A child that is the product of rape has as much right to life as any other child. Women are supposed to protect their young. Not kill them because they don't want the hassle of child rearing. If you don't want the child put it up for adoption. Don't kill a baby just because it might have down syndrome, or it's from a rape, or some other minor birth defects. There are millions of down syndrome children that love life and have love from their families. There lives can be just as full as anybodies life. For catastrophic birth defects I've seen many severely handicapped children that enjoy life and are a treasured member of their family. Special children have rights to. Maybe someday the screaming harpies of pro-abortion will stop and look at what they are doing. I call it pro-abortion because at Planned Parenthood there is really no choice. It's abortion or nothing. They encourage abortions because they make a profit on each abortion. They encourage eugenics as the selective aborting of the imperfect or sub-standard lifeform. Joeseph Mengele would be proud. As far as funding for abortions and Planned Parenthood that should come from private sources and not from taxpayer revenues. Taxpayer funds should not be used for murder, and abortion is murder.
