Thursday, June 23, 2011

Computer hackers target Arizona Border Patrol - releasing personal data

First they burn our state down with A FIRE THAT WAS STARTED IN MEXICO and the wind carried it to destroy half of Arizona. 

Then they shoot at American Border Patrol agents from across the border in Mexico.

Three truckloads of Mexican soldiers crossed into U.S. territory at bridge 2.

Then they attack and threaten our security forces by hacking into security computer systems.

The they turn their back on the American home team for the World Cup and they boo the Americans and cheer the Mexican team, Then the cup presentation ceremony was spanish only. In America the ceremony was spanish only!

This is how pro-illegal-immigrant citizens or non-citizens (criminals) in this country attack our state and our nations national security. This is a direct threat on the lives of all Border Security and ICE. Enough is enough. We need to see some arrests of the hackers. This is a terrorist cyber-attack! LulzSec is a radical group that has threatened that more hacking will come in the operation known as Chinga La Migra (F*ck the Border Patrol). F*ck the Border Patrol? That's the attitude they have about our national security.

They say they are fighting "racial profiling anti-immigrant police state that is Arizona". They have millions of their illegal immigrants living in our country by breaking our laws and living on our public services. They don't respect the Arizona state laws, the national immigration laws, and they don't respect the citizens of America who have been giving them a break for decades by looking the other way. They believe they are owed citizenship. I guess that's based on their good behavior like illegal gang bangers in our cities, almost half a million incarcerated in our prisons, millions on public assistance due to abused birth right laws, murders, robberies, kidnapping, drug smuggling, drug dealing, human smuggling, DUI / DWI, tax evasion, tax cheats, and even trying to smuggle in an Al Qaeda operative in a car trunk in Tijuana. Every major Mexican Drug Cartel is working within America to create a gang war mess like you currently have in Mexico. The drug cartels are moving north and it must be stopped. 

That's what your doing to our nation and then you have an attitude that you are not being properly treated. You shouldn't even be in this country. If you don't like America and Americans get the hell out. Most Americans don't want you here. So let's give everyone what they want. Pack up and go back to Mexico where you belong. 

There are many Americans that have been trying to protect you from punishment for your law breaking. They have deluded themselves from understanding the real problem. Millions of criminals have entered our country and we don't know who they are, why there here, how they earn a living, and then abuse of birth right citizenship is draining our public services when none of these criminals should be in this country. They falsely claim that California and other states belong to Mexico. Nonsense.

There are many Americans who have stated publicly that there is no way millions of criminals are going to return to Mexico. It took decades for this many criminals to get into this country, and it will take decades of immigration law enforcement to get the criminals out of our country. No it won't be overnight but it can be done by just enforcing the current laws.

We no longer want to help those who break our laws. People that break laws are criminals. Maybe you forget because you've been treated so well for some many years. An illegal immigrant is by definition a law breaking criminal. Your all criminals that are in our country without our permission, without our check of a criminal past, without a check on how you are currently earning money, and without knowing what other illegal activities you have participated, do participate, or will participate in.

LulzSec members obviously don't care about America. They break our laws whenever they want without any punishment. They only care about their selfish greed to be profiteers of America's good heart and resources. If they don't care about America then they do not deserve to be citizens. If they attack America or American agencies, they attack us all.  They deserve immediate arrest and/or deportation to their native country. These LulzSec members need to be charged with cyber-terrorism and throw them in prison or deport them. They do not deserve to be America citizens because they have no respect for our nation, the one they say they love so much. The nation that has given them and ibn some cases their families decades of work illegally, and this is how they repay us.
