Saturday, May 21, 2011

Union Apologist: ‘Moral Obligation’ Not To Terminate Teachers’ Livelihood

That's the problem with government employees. They keep thinking they are owed something because they are a government worker. You've received excessive compensation for decades. You had plenty of money to invest over those decades. I hope you were smart with your money, because the tough times are here. Man 'Up and stop whining like a liberal.

Just the fact that someone thinks they have a moral obligation to the teacher. What about a moral obligation to the taxpayers and the ones that are paying all these bills for employees we can't afford, don't need, or don't want at this time. Education departments must be seen and managed as profit and loss businesses. If you don't?  You wind up with departments like the postal service which looses $8.4 billion each year.

It has been proven time and time again that the private sector runs profit and loss entities successfully, the public sector does not. The public sector wastes taxpayer money by claiming a "moral obligation" to the employee instead of a "moral obligation" to the taxpayer.
