Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Tax cheats among recipients of stimulus money

Once again the competence and efficient management of a U.S. government run program. Just can't wait for Obamacare! 

Latest figures say the stimulus lost 1 million jobs instead of the administration's expected to create 3 million jobs.

The distribution, qualifications for, and use of funds was an unmanaged disaster.

Example1: U.S. government gave 1 million dollars to a company that owed the IRS 2 million in back taxes.

Example2: funds were given to companies with no strings attached to use as company executives saw fit. They did. Some gave all executives big bonuses from the money they got and that didn't create a single job.

source: http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D9NDFMLO2&show_article=1