Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Palin Prospers From Elitist Progressive Pundits and Critics Reputation's, "the enemy of my friend Sarah is my enemy"

Trig the new arrival, critic's eugenics disgusting

the whole family
With the exploratory campaign bus tour of the nation started, critics of Sarah Palin come out of the woodwork to attack, name call, and insult her. These pundits are  buffoons because they don't understand that their disgust and abhorrence with Sarah results in more support for her rather than less support.

If a bunch of sleazy, lying, liberal, progressives, elitists demonstrate their lack of support with juvenile name calling based on no evidence, then the American people are smart enough to realize that if the lying sleaze hate her then she must be alright.

A fairly extensive, although incomplete, list of the enemies of Sarah Palin is located within this blog at: http://cryptcl-idiotsavants.blogspot.com/2011/01/conservative-pledge.html

The vast majority on this list are members of the MSM. So that should demonstrate their bias. The vast majority of people on this list make stupid ignorant statements are a regular basis without any basis in fact. They attack Sarah Palin because they fear she can win. If you listen to the pundits, they say Sarah is unelectable?, an entertainer not a true politician?, is too stupid to be president?, and too pro-life to be president? How can wanting to save and protect as many lives as possible be a fault. It is a strength.

These pundits insult her for having Trig, for taking Trig on public appearances, refuses to hide Trig, and using Trig as a prop. Trig is not a prop, or imperfect humanity that needs to be hidden. He is a large part of her life right now, a new baby, and there is absolutely nothing that says a loving mother shouldn't travel with her new baby. She's not ashamed of him, as progressives would be, and she does not regret giving birth. She loves him like all mothers love their children.

If any of these people make negative comments, name call, or insult Sarah Palin and her family, that is one more reason to have confidence in voting her into office. These progressives are wrong about everything else, they are also wrong about Sarah Palin too.