Saturday, May 14, 2011

OWN: Opray Winfrey Network Presents Liberal Extraordinary Mothers

One of the recent new shows on OWN (Opray Winfrey Network) was a show about Extraordinary Mothers for mothers day. Now I agree that good mothers who also have a career should be applauded as often as possible. But the list of mothers was very much tainted to the liberal perspective. The mothers highlighted included Christiane Amanpour (ABC journalist), Hillary Clinton (Secretary of State), and Rosie O'Donnell (host of new show on OWN).

I assume from the lineup that OWN is going to continue to present positive views of women on the left, and negative views of women on the right. Why didn't Opray include Sarah Palin (5 children) or Michelle Bachman (5 children of her own, and 23 foster children) as extraordinary mothers? I'll tell you why. The MSM believe conservative women who are mothers and have a successful career don't deserve positive public images? So OWN has decided they want a biased liberal network, like MSNBC, instead of an unbiased network.