Saturday, May 7, 2011

Op-Ed: Obama's 'Gangster Politics'

He divides and screws Americans, all with a gentle wave and a smile on his face, this guy is the anti-American anti-Christ
Chicago Gangster Thug politics rears its ugly head. Contractors and companies that work with/for the  federal government must, according to a new executive order, disclose any and all political contributions. The result? Makes it very easy for the administration to identify friends versus foes, and facilitates the creation and maintaining of enemies lists and supporters list. Which means that now the government will only offer government contracts and work to companies on the friends list. This executive order reverses almost 70 years of trying to get politics out of the federal contract negotiations. 

Once again Obama has zigged when he was supposed to zag. He marches not only to a different beat of the drum but also follows the road less traveled path of a partisan moral universe. A universe where petty politicians judge the world by two lists. A friends list and an enemies list that determine all political and non-political decisions of the Obama Administration. Congratulations Obama, you just threw out 70 years of precedent in your goal to help supporters and unions.
