Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Jan Schakowsky & Co. Go to Bat for Radical Extremists Raided by FBI

Why does it seem that anytime the government tries to improve the security of America, the liberal progressives place obstacles and question the legality of the security decisions. To make America secure you must identify potential risks preemptively to eliminate threats. You can't wait till they attack and then do something. 

There are many people in the population who's history and ties with radical domestic and foreign groups is known. Most of these groups openly state their opposition to American security goals. If someone threatens the peace and security of America then arrest them for threats against America. If people don't want to be interfered with by the American government then don't threaten America and it's citizens, and don't associate with the enemies of America.

In America right now you are not allowed to ask the identity of someone that might be an illegal immigrant.  Their in this country illegally and we don't know who they are, and we are not allowed to ask them questions. What the hell kind of security system is Obama, Napolitano, and Holder creating. All the rights are taken from America and given to unknowns and potential enemies of America. The stupidity of this administration is absolutely stunning in its incompetence. The only people Obama protects is Muslims, union members, and illegal immigrants. The rest of American citizens are just ignored and attacked for being intolerant. Illegal immigration is ruining our country by giving rights to illegals that our own citizens don't have.

source: http://biggovernment.com/rebelpundit/2011/05/17/jan-schakowsky-co-go-to-bat-for-radical-extremists-raided-by-fbi/