Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Huntsman: I believe in climate change because 90% of scientists do?

This statement by Huntsman is  a great example of misinformation being repeated in the MSM echo chamber. Here are some issues to think about.

  • 90% of scientists do not agree with anthropogenic global warming. Perhaps Huntsman asked 10 scientists he knows who favor climate change and only 1 says he disagrees. There is no consensus within the scientific community. Best estimate is the scientific community is a 50/50 split.
  • all predictions going back to the 1990's and later have not occurred as predicted. People predicted severe droughts, rising water, massive flooding from sea level rising, global starvation, and the end of the world as we know it. No predictions have come even close to being true.
  • if climate change is a scientific fact then why have some scientists fraudulently manipulated data to show the temperature rising. There is climate gate at IPPC, and a number of other scientists, some even funded by NASA, that have intentionally manipulated data for the conclusion they want.
  • Why did a scientist, as part of climate gate fiasco, threaten to destroy all raw data collected if his credibility was being questioned? That's so nobody could see how brazenly and fraudulently he manipulated data to get the results he wanted.
  • the weather cannot be predicted a week in advance by meteorologists across the world. Yet climate changers say they can predict weather decades in advance. That's nonsense.
  • Why are quite a number of scientists who believed in climate change now changing their mind because they realize it is based on bad science.
  • why when studies come out claiming climate change, if you look closely at the contributors you will see few if any climate scientists and mostly political hacks, policy makers, and lawyers.
  • why has the film "Inconvenient Truth" never corrected the 9 major factual errors contained in their scientific analysis. It is still being shown at schools without correction
  • why has the data collection never been properly configured. I have a temperature sensor at place A, and 10 years ago it monitored "X" temperature. At that time the sensor was surrounded by trees, grass, wind, and lots of moisture. That same sensor is checked in 2010 and the temperature is "X+2". See its getting hotter? No. The sensor has stayed in the same place while civilization expanded around it. No more trees but buildings, no more grass but parking lot, no more moisture but exhausts from heating and cooling units. Your comparing apples to oranges. Your sensor is monitoring two  completely different environments. Garbage in, Garbage out.
  • if the world is getting hotter then why have winters been longer and more severe over the last decade. Climate changers say thats a result of getting hotter. I'm still waiting for the proof of that claim.
  • why have so many studies come out claiming climate change? Academic and research facilities do not get grants and funding for claiming there is no climate change crisis. However, if they claim that their studies prove climate change is occurring and its a crisis, then they will have endless grants and funds for their research. These are corrupt scientists that let themselves be bought to show a specific result.
  • climate change is always occurring. But to claim that man is the primary cause is a fairy tale. Natural events such as volcanoes, hurricanes, tornados, snowstorms, massive rain storms, and even sun spot events on the surface of the sun can impact the atmosphere far more than what man does.
  • why are all the primary supporters of the crisis seem to continue leading non-green lifestyles. Big houses and big cars seem to be the preference of the "chicken littles". Aren't they concerned about worsening the impending crisis.
  • I can collect data from thousands of places and my method of collection can support any theory you want. Just like a political poll. The result is determined by who you poll and where you poll.
  • according to Ted Turner we were all supposed to be in a starvation crisis forcing us to be cannibals.  I haven't seen any rise in cannibalism and I think Ted is smoking way too much medical marijuana. Lots of crazy disastrous pending crisis have been predicted by lots of famous and so-called informed people. Not one of the doomsday predictions has come true yet.
  • your opinion about climate change and it's impacts is determined by who you ask, not by empirical factual analysis because everyone is using a different set of facts to base their conclusions. In most cases it's junk science being used on manipulated fraudulent data.
  • climate change is a global attempt to redistribute wealth from rich polluting countries to poor underdeveloped countries. In one sense the global community is going to start charging nations for their impact on the environment. This ts a step toward a New World Order where elitists in the UN and global organizations are going to start seizing control and authority. Where these narcissists got the idea that they have political control over say America displays their lack of reality. Americans would never let some global organization tell us what to do. We don't take orders from elitist progressive liberal European closet aristocrats seeking world power. By what right and authority do these elitists claim sovereignty over the worlds nations
  • NO! human beings are NOT going to turn into lizard people. that's just a shock value poster based on science fiction stories.

source: http://hotair.com/archives/2011/05/17/huntsman-i-believe-in-climate-change-because-90-of-scientists-do/