Friday, May 20, 2011

The Silent and Wimpish Democratic Party Should Be Ashamed of Itself, American Nation's Needs Should Take Precedence Over Partisan Political Agenda

Until Obama, America had shown support for a democratic ally Israel. But now Obama, in his quest to win the love and respect of the Muslim world, has turned his back on Israel. He states a Palestinian nation must be configured based on borders before 6-day war in 1967. This flip-flops decades of American support for Israel in it's current configuration. He makes this statement in a speech 1 day before PM Netanyahu visits the White House. 

This is Obama trying to show foreign policy experience as part of his reelection campaign. Lifelong Democrat Israel supporters are trying to downplay the significance in what Obama just said, or are ignoring, avoiding, and just not saying anything. The Democrats should be ashamed of themselves for not standing up for Israel and it's current borders.
