Sunday, May 29, 2011

Biden Falsely Touts Auto Bailout Success?

blood suckers extraordinare

never thought that's what GM would stand for
all us taxpayers now own car companies
who owns what?

As usual VP Biden is off in the weeds when he says they saved car companies. No company was saved. They still have the same financial problems. All that has happened is that the seriousness of the financial problems has been delayed until the bailout money runs out. No major reformation has occurred at GM to imply their future success will be any better or different than it has been in the past. 

The UAW is still bleeding the GM dry. GM competitors have little union problems to worry about and are making greater profits. Much like the Postal Service who lost $8.4 billion this past year. They lose about the same every year. The Postal Service has never made a profit.

The U.S. government should not be running business for the simple fact that they are terrible at it. They have no concept of profit and loss. They think an infinite bucket of money is always available as needed, and they keep spending that infinite bucket of money. U.S. government should be out of the car business and the Postal business.
