Friday, April 8, 2011

Muslim Violence and Deception, Tools For The Spread Of Islam

Some of the reactions about the hearings on the radicalization of Islam are just plain laughable. I saw on television (NY)  this morning a group of Muslim protesters each holding their own small cardboard sign with various sayings like: "Don't Hurt Me I Am New Yorker Too", " I Am Not A Threat To You", "I just Want To Practice My Religion In Peace", "Islam Is Peace", "We Are Not Violent". Those might not be exact statements on the signs, they went by kind of fast, but they have the same harmless benign tone.

They all stood there with their little signs, with sad faces, looking down to the ground. They seemed humble, meek, and non-violent. They are actively practicing "taqiyya", deception to confuse non-Muslims about the means and motives of Islam. A lie to a non-Muslim is as consistent with Islam, as an act of violence. Muslims participate voluntarily through violence and lies. One Muslim performs the violent act, while another Muslim says Islam wants peace and Muslim's don't behave like that. But Muslims just did behave like that. Well those violent acts are not Islam and those perpetrators do not represent Islam. If they are Muslims who are violent then they do represent Islam.

Why do Muslims always act like they are the ones persecuted. Non-Muslims are not killing Muslims on a daily basis or at the drop of an insult. Muslims are killing non-Muslims almost everyday somewhere in the world, or at the drop of an insult. Islamic Imam leaders have ordered "fatwahs" to kill non-Muslims who have insulted Islam. I know all these instances of violence cannot be separated from teachings of mainstream Islam. The Koran is the most hateful and violent holy book I have ever read. Violence is condoned, encouraged, and accepted in the Islamic faith. It is the non-Muslims who are persecuted by those "taqiyya" Muslims or by friends of those "taqiyya" Muslims.

It is the Muslims that support and carry out violent acts against innocent non-Muslims. It is the Muslims killing in the name of Allah and shooting 30 military soldiers at Fort Hood. It is the Muslims that try to blowup streets, buildings, planes, and non-Muslims whenever they can. It is the Muslims who whine that their persecuted, and then go out and persecute non-Muslims. It is the Muslims whose religion (Islam) says kill "non-believers wherever you find them". It is the Muslims who have sura after sura in the Koran kill, attack, mistrust, hate, despise, and disrespect every non-Muslim simply because he is non-Muslim. It is the Muslim who has used violence whenever and wherever they like, and then wonder why non-Muslums want to have nothing to do with them.

It is the Muslim whose hatred of non-Muslims is born from their false understanding that Muslims are superior, closer to God, clean, and more dedicated to their religion than non-Muslims. Everything that is involved in this discussion can be controlled by the Muslims. But the fact is that Muslims refuse to stop the violence. The violence is an important part of the spreading of Islam. Everyday they can find some new non-Muslim being provocative against Islam that requires some form of violence as a response. A Florida man burns a Koran and 10 people in Afghanistan are killed. Does that make sense to any rational people? No! But it does make perfect sense to Muslims.

Hurting or killing a non-Muslim anywhere is the same as hurting the non-Muslim you are really mad at. Their goal is to make non-Muslims afraid to do anything that insults Muslims. You might not do the provocative act if you know somewhere some non-Muslim is going to die for your behavior. All these behaviors are right out of the life of their prophet Mohammad. These are the tactics he used when he started Islam. This is how he intimidated non-Muslims. His harsh violence and mass killing started Islam. Those tried and true methods are still in use today around the world to intimidate non-Muslims. In some respects nothing has changed in Islam since the 700's. Century after century has come and gone and the rules, laws, and methods of Islam have not changed.

Not once throughout my entire lifetime, I am 55 years old, have I ever heard even a simple apology from Muslims for the violent actions their members plan and execute with cold-blooded hatred for non-Muslims. Not one Muslim has said "I'm sorry". For 9/11 no Muslim has ever said Islam is responsible and they apologize in the name of Islam. You know why that is? Because none of them are sorry. They want Islam to continue to intimidate non-Muslims. Let's keep doing the same thing because it seems to work at spreading Islam.

Young Muslims today are trained with the acceptance of violence, the same arrogance of Islam, and the same hatred for non-Muslims. The new generation is the same as the old generations. I am a mature adult who is rightfully afraid of Muslims and their violent actions. I personally think that Muslims are crazed cult bloodthirsty animals. I do not want to have anything to do with them because they are irrational cult members who like to use violence to get their way. Charles Manson and his family were irrational cult members who liked to use violence to get  their way. I find Islam's motivations no less bizarre than Manson's "War of Helter Skelter". Only in Islam it is not called "Helter Skelter". It is called "jihad" and thoroughly supported by Islam, Mohammad, Allah, The Koran, The Hadith, The Sira, and Imams.