Saturday, April 2, 2011

Michael Potemra, The Koran, Loveliest Of Books?

I'm Reading a book about the Koran that mentions some Michael Potemra, deputy managing editor of The National Review magazine, comments about the Koran.

Michael says: "The Koran is one of loveliest books ever written, a distillation of monotheism that is full of spiritual wisdom, and I never fail to profit from my reading it"

CAIR Claims: "that the book reveals the true, peaceful nature of Islam and promotes interfaith harmony"

How should I express my opinions of these comments?

A truthful and accurate statement from the leader of Islam Mohammad: I Have Been Made Victorious Through Terror.

The Koran speaks: "of hatred toward non-Muslims, death to non-Muslims, death to gays, submission of women,  death to apostates, violence as a tool of religious war, constant jihad religious war with all non-Muslims, death  to anyone who insults Islam, honor killings, wife beating, brutal Islamic and Sharia Law, supports taqiyya as intentionally lying and deceiving non-Muslims about the true nature and goal of Islam dominating the world,  at the slightest provocation Muslims turn into a frenzied muderous "Manson Family" attackers against non-Muslim, Muslims are told to not trust, befriend, not go into business with non-Muslims, not to socialize, and Islam supports the intimidation, violence,  deception and dominance over unclean and godless non-Muslims."

Just recently a religious fanatic in Florida burned a Koran.
The Muslim response?
Killed 10-12 innocent U.N. Compound workers in Afghanistan!
Beheaded 2 of those workers.
Twelve people who had nothing to do with the Koran burning!
There goal was to kill non-Muslims to show their anger.
Killing 10-12 innocent non-Muslims for another's insult to Islam is a very barbaric"Manson Family"  response. For some reason Muslims do not understand that gaining respect for an individual and their religion is earned through their actions. Not very many people want to befriend a Muslim if they think at the slightest offense of Islam across the globe could result in their own death.
Thats the morality of Islam. To retaliate against any non-Muslim, doesn't matter who, their all the same. Just kill non-Muslims to intimidate the world's non-Muslims. And kill them brutally and horribly so that everyone has fear of Islam retaliation,

Ah yes killing 10-12 innocent non-Muslims for a non-violent act insulting Islam always promotes interfaith harmony!