Saturday, April 2, 2011

Freddie and Fannie Execs Paid $35 Million In Taxpayer Money

The heads of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were paid a total of $17.1 million in 2009 and 2010 -- the two full years of government ownership. The top six executives at the housing giants were paid $35.4 million over the two years, according to the report that was posted on the agency's website. Jamie Gorelick, a democrat, notorious Washington insider, and 9/11 intelligence wall builder, one year received a $777,000 bonus in addition to her more than adequate salary.

Something is wrong with Washington if key positions are paid outrageously high salaries and bonuses while the business is losing money and going broke. Who is allowing these ridiculous compensations to be paid, and why haven't they been fired yet?

In addition to all the other mismanagement, some politicians have been using Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as a source for campaign donations. The top four receivers we all democrats are Obama, Kerry, Clinton, and Dodd.
