Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Big GOP Meanies Are Trying To Clean Up The Financial Mess?

It is the Republican party who is trying to take responsibility for the dire financial situation of our federal and state governments. The Democrats are already placing themselves as the mind of delusion within the critical steps that need to be done. The Democrats will do what they always do. Place themselves in a position to buy some votes with some federal dollars. To keep an individual's excessive entitlements and creature comforts, they will let the whole U.S. government collapse, as long as they get the vote they bought. The Democrats won't admit that decades of buying votes has spent more money than the government has, made more promises than the government can fulfill, and created more retirement packages than the government can handle.

Democrats are in denial that their liberal progressive policies have created a society of Unions (haves) and of Non-Union taxpayers (have nots). The back scratching between unions and the Democrats exceeds all concepts of fairness and reason, and in fact is closer to being obscene by all the lavish promises made with other people's taxpayer dollars.

Now the Tea Party has some say in the matter and the will to make and support the tough decisions. They were created to force lawmakers (Dem,GOP) to do the right thing otherwise risk losing there congressional seat. These tough financial decisions need to be made NOW. There is no more kicking the can down the street. We are running out of street!

Now the Democrats will whine, complain, tell heart wrenching anecdotal stories to try and shame the Republicans into not making lots of cuts. The Republicans argue it doesn't matter about individual creature comforts that have been promised, if we don't get control of the national debt and the deficit then the whole government can come crashing down. And nobody gets anything. Yours, Mine, everyone's retirements are in jeopardy and it doesn't matter what the Democrats have agreed to during contract negotiations.  

If the money ain't there, then the money ain't there

If There Ever Was A Time When Bipartisan Negotiations And Cooperation Should Rule The Day............That Time Is Now.