Thursday, March 31, 2011

Scott Brown, Just Another RINO Unwilling To Get The Job Done.

People are calling Scott Brown a maverick, a bipartisan proponent, and a man who sticks by his values. Bull crap. He's just another RINO taking up a Republican seat, but voting and acting like any other moderate Democrat. Why the hell did Republicans elect him anyway. Just so we could say that we put a Republican in Ted Kennedy's seat. We didn't elect a Republican. We elected a RINO, and an arrogant RINO too.

You would expect a Lt. Colonel would have a stronger backbone and more conservative values. What a disappointment. Instead of joining the Democrats whining in a chorus of "Oh the mean Republicans are irresponsible and  extreme", why not roll up your sleeves, like you promised in your election campaign, and lets get this tough work of spending and budget cuts done because it has to be done to protect the most taxpayers in the long term. This need to cut spending but everyone saying no to anything we want to cut is juvenile, counter productive, and just plain foolish because of the serious financial situation in both the federal and state governments. These tough cuts need to be done and we can't wait any longer. They need to be done now.
