Thursday, March 24, 2011

Obamacare: 30 million New Patients, Billions in New Taxes, 0 New Doctors, Let The Rationing Begin!

Obamacare is quickly leading America into the socialist health care hell where treament, doctors, and medicine will have to be rationed because of the increased demand. Soon you can expect long waits for doctors and treament, and many medicines and treatments will no longer be available because of bureaucratic decisions made by non-health care professionals. In addition there are steady substantial increases in taxes to fund this Obamacare monstrosity. One thing America doesn't need right now is new taxes.
In addition, it appears that Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY), a leading backer of the Obamacare legislation and the single payer public option is considering whether New York City will request a waiver from Obamacare. He touts the waiver option as proof that the Obama Admin. is flexible and not ramming health care down anyones throat.
