Thursday, March 17, 2011

My Nightmare: I Agree With Bill Maher?

I never believed it would ever occur. I find myself in agreement with Bill Maher when he says "the Koran is a hate filled holy book".

full story:

The key word when discussing Islam is "Taqiyya". The intentional deception of non-believers, lies, misleading, and other games Muslims play. A non-believer will never know what happens behind those closed mosque doors.

If you want to understand Muslims, Jihad, Imams, honor killings, Islamic Law and Sharia Law?

  •  the Koran is page after page of hate speech against non-Muslims. It is constant "hate, lie, cheat, mislead, and confuse all non-believers for the benefit of Islam".
  • The goal of Islam is to dominate the world. The goal of the Imams is to dominate the world. 
  • On Farci web sites for easterners, Imams inflame, spew anti-non-believer rhetoric, keep the easterners hating non-believers.
  • On western english sites, Islam is peace and tolerance and the west has nothing to worry about. They figure before the west figures out what is going on they might have the population increases needed to gain political control.
  • The aspects of learning Islam and its similarity to other cults includes, living in Islam's strict laws giving penance, avoid interaction with non-believers, the lack of choices for Muslims means do what religious elders and Imams tell you to do, the cults supposed moral superiority over all non-believers, socialize only with Muslims, constant repetitive religious ceremonies (praying 5 times a day), hatred and mistrust of those outside of the group, responsibility of giving up your life for Islam, jihad, and Allah. Violence and intimidation are valuable appropriate tools to fight the Jihad for Islam. 
  • if a non-believer is upset about a certain passage in the Koran. The Muslim will tell the non-believer he/she must have a bad translation, or someone has misquoted the Koran sura to them. But if you pick up any Koran you will see how hate filled they are toward non-believers.
  • Muslims are trained to lie to non-believers. This is to confuse the non-believer. Usually a non-believer won't read the Koran. Muslims satisfy the non-believer by saying "oh no Islam is not like that. Islam is peace".
  • All non-believers have three choices when living in a Muslim Sharia Law society. 1) live as second class citizen (dhimmi) and pay a tax to Muslims. 2) Convert to Islam. or 3) Get killed. Does that sound like a religion of peace.