Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Islamic Mistreatment of Non-Muslim Woman, sexual assault, and threats of "you'll die tonight"

A female Pulitzer Prize winning New Times photographer, Lynsey Addario,  is just another in a long line of Muslim atrocities against women. Muslims have no respect for non-Muslim women and they consider them to be godless whores. The Muslims treat them like godless whores. Islam once again doesn't seem to be peaceful and tolerant? Image is of Lynsey Addario working in  Libya.
This is the culture of Islam that non-Muslims, women, and gays are going to have to deal with.

source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1368660/Libya-US-female-war-photographer-sexually-assaulted-pro-Gaddafi-forces.html