Country / Est.Muslim.Pop / Pop%Muslim | ||||||||||||||||||
These Muslim populations are not interested in assimilating into the country they live in. They prefer spreading Islam until European countries loose their democratic majority at which time Islam will be the state/religion and Islamic Law and Sharia Law will take over social justice. In their Islamic state values of freedom, liberty, fairness, justice, diversity, and tolerance is meaningless unless you are Muslim. Hey, even the Muslims aren't treated much better than non-Muslims. But the Muslims choose to be oppressed. They choose to oppress women, gays, all religions, and non-Muslims. The mosque and Imams control the patriarch of every family. No one refuses Islam, religious elders, Imams, or the Koran. Any refusal would result in painful punishment or death. Good Muslims do what they are told. Good Muslim patriarchs are controlled by Imams and their mosque, and then good Muslim patriarchs keep their family under control | ||||||||||||||||||
More Info at: http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=european+islamic+leaders&view=detail&id=7EE715C10F1226507CAA0DFAEE388A389F0C0A9D&first=1&FORM=IDFRIR More Info at: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/4507528.stm More Info at: http://www.meforum.org/topics/59/muslims-in-europe More Info at: http://www.meforum.org/338/islam-in-france-the-french-have-themselves-to More Info at: http://www.cf2r.org/fr/actualite/dp-french-study-finds-rise-in-islamic-extremism-14.php?vm=r More Info at: http://pewglobal.org/2005/07/14/islamic-extremism-common-concern-for-muslim-and-western-publics/?vm=r More Info at: http://www.pr.com/press-release/213276?vm=r | ||||||||||||||||||