Saturday, March 19, 2011

Bill Maher The Eternal Face Of Ignorant Loudmouthed Progressive Stupidity

Bill says: Every Black Person Scares Republicans Unless They Look Like Urkel, Talk Like Colin Powell and wear Bill Cosby sweaters.

I cannot help but think that once again Bill is projecting his own biases on others. Once again a fact less and unprovable accusation against Republicans which shows Bill Maher's own stupidity and irrelevancy.

Pictured is Bill Maher dressed as Dead Steve Irwin with stinger, blood, and all. Some how the comedy of this costume misses me and it was missed by the Irwin family too.
FYI: His attack of Republicans is in relation to the 2004 poll crashers in Philidelphia. They wore new black panther uniforms, carried billy clubs, and tried to intentionally verbally intimidate white voters by warning them that they better vote for Obama. Everything they did was illegal according to voting laws, yet AG Holder won't prosecute because they are black. If two whites did similar actions they would have be arrested and charged with voter intimidation crimes.

I am a Republican and have not met a single Republican, white or black or asian, that held the same beliefs he claims.  Nothing new, just more race-baiting from the delusional left.
