Friday, January 28, 2011

Michele Bachman Tea Party SOTU Response 

There was a huge dust up by the MSM following the Michele Bachmann televised response to the SOTU. Progressive media comments like "so stupid she's not looking at the right camera", "what a moron she's looking in the wrong place", etc., etc., etc.,

The interesting thing is that Michele Bachmann was looking at the correct camera. She was looking at the Tea Party camera feed going out to all Tea Party members and included Tea Party network online outlets. The speech was the Tea Party response to the SOTU and the intended audience were the Tea Party members across the country. This is the Tea Party camera feed and what it's viewers saw.

The viewers who thought Michele Bachmann was looking at the wrong camera were those watching the CNN feed of the speech. The camera for the CNN feed is secondary to her because the primary audience was the Tea Party camera feed. So CNN feed watchers always saw her looking at the primary camera. This is the CNN camera feed and what the viewers saw.

Once again CNN, MSM, and Progressive media pundits look like fools.

Note: one point of confusion for me is that both are listed as her SOTU response, yet the backgrounds appear different, not sure if networks used their own backgrounds.