Sunday, January 16, 2011

2 Different Types of Speeches, 2 Different Audiences

For all the liberal talking heads who compare Obama Shooting speech with Palin's Defense Video. The intent and purpose of each presentation was completely different. The audience of each presentation is different. Maybe talking head progressives should take a look at the purpose of each presentation.

  • Obama was speaking about a tragedy
  • Obama was speaking to the nation
  • Obama spoke about nation healing
  • Obama spoke about sometimes words incite violence
  • Obama was trying to get something positive said about him in the media

  • Palin was defending herself
  • Palin was speaking to those that have attacked her and blamed her for the shooting
  • Palin spoke about being a target for nuts and death threats
  • Palin spoke that she would never incite violence
  • Palin was trying to get the media to stop the attacks , vitriol, and report the news fairly