Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Global Warming Hoax

Let's look at Al Gore's Global Warming. This issue has become the raison d'etre for the left. But there's a problem. A definitive identification of facts that prove the warming is caused by man is no where to be found. When Al Gore testified in front of congress about the issue he forgot to bring any facts to back it up. Usually when someone is scheduled to testify before the legislature the following rules are the standard for a complete evaluation. One: 2 days before testimony provide scientific and anecdotal documents to support the cause. This gives time for Congress to evaluate the case and come up with questions. Two: testifying by scientific experts is mandatory to support this type of complex issue. We need qualified scientists who can present their findings and answer questions by the Congress.
A funny thing happened on the way to "testifying before congress". AL Gore brought no scientists, no studies, and no possible proof of the climate situation. In fact, he used statements like "The World Has a Fever" as scientific proof (as ridiculous as that sounds).

As I want to be an eco-friendly citizen, I want to learn what is best for the Earth. But no information has been provided that answers the questions of what is causing the problem. Al Gore says it's for certain, but his actions reflect a politician who is all "rhetoric" and no "basis in reality or fact".

To counter Al Gore, a few weeks ago a document was produced by some of the leading experts and scientists in climate science. The conclusion of this document by the 400 experts and scientists is that there is no proof of man's responsibility for the situation. Until the causes are identified, it is impossible to define solutions. And the use of Carbon Credits to offset personal resource use, is a money-making scheme offered by opportunists for personal gain. A Carbon Credit based solution is an escape clause for citizens to continue bad environmental behavior, and allows the abuser to avoid improvements in resource usage. A good example: Al Gore constantly "moralizes" about how we all must change. But he continues to use private jets for his personal use. If he thinks the Carbon Credits of planting a couple of trees somewhere as an offset to the inefficiency and waste of an "elitist" private jet habit, he is starting to believe his own fact-challenged rhetoric.