Saturday, May 28, 2011

Sarah Palin Is A Strong Candidate, Not Only A Strong Female Candidate

Everyone that wants to see major reforms in government must vote for the conservative ticket come 2012 November elections. The eventual candidates will be determined soon, and then a VP and POTUS will be selected.

Don't be fooled by the manufactured negatives from the MSM. They consider Sarah Palin a "dumb cow" who can't ever be POTUS. The MSM is trying to control the narrative and the general overall opinion about Sarah. They are misleading, misinformation, and downright lies. The only one you can trust to tell you about Sarah Palin is Sarah Palin. Follow her nationwide bus tour, listen to her speeches, and views on the world, values, policies and then make an informed decision about her candidacy. Her candidacy has more qualifications than Obama. Don't fooled by pundits claiming she wouldn't be here except she was a woman. She is as strong as any male candidate and competes on every level as strong as men. She is a strong candidate, not just a female strong candidate.

Sarah, to present herself to America, has created a film which will answer a lot  of questions about her. In addition, she is undertaking a nationwide bus tour to present her views directly to voters, and get feedback directly from the voters. The outcome of this tour will determine if Sara Palin will run for POTUS.

To Sarah Palin: Fair winds and following seas.

Conservative voters must ignore the MSM at election time as their narratives and information presented are designed solely to get Barrack Obama re-elected.



