Saturday, May 28, 2011

DNC Chair’s Buy American Campaign Starts With Everyone But Her, Buy American Improves Every American's Quality Of Life

Even though she has 2 foreign cars and none American and is slightly hypocritical, I still like what she is saying.

I do agree with a general change in the buying habits of Americans. Perhaps Americans should be a little selfish by buying American products whenever possible. We owe it to the American workers and the American economy. America represents perhaps the greatest market in the world to sell products. Why shouldn't American buyers give the business to other American businesses. 

In Japan, they only buy Japanese cars. In Germany, they only buy German cars. In America we should start only buying American cars, electronics, ovens, dishwashers, washer/dryers, food stuffs, computers, and clothing. By buying from ourselves we are improving our economy, the U.S. job market, and competition between foreign vendors and domestic vendors. Foreign vendors are going to have to make their products more cost effective to compete.

Many say well I want to be able to buy the best products whether American or not. These individuals seem to think all American products are inferior to foreign products. In past decades, especially in the car business that might have been true, but todays products are equal in quality to other comparably priced products. Some say well I want a Mercedes Benz because it's the best car quality available. Mercedes Benz makes the best quality, but charges very expensive prices for purchase, very expensive prices for maintenance, and prices most American workers out of purchasing a car from them. Everyone still has final choice, but just considering and looking into American products before purchasing can help jump start American business. Before you buy, look at what America offers. It can't hurt. It's OK for America to be a little selfish. Every other country has the same selfishness.

What many Americans don't realize is that the purchase of any foreign products takes money out of the hands of Americans and gives it to competing nations, who in turn can use that money to improve their products. Many foreign nations don't have unions to contend with. Don't have high salary unionized workers to contend with.

If you want to kick start jobs and the American economy, BUY AMERICAN! 
A national BUY AMERICAN campaign should encourage Americans to buy American. 
It's time America started supporting it's own workers. Buy what's best for the country.
