Thursday, May 19, 2011

Red Herring Alert: Canadian Border Bigger Terror Threat Than Mexican Border, Says Border Patrol Chief ?

This is an intentional "red herring" article with intent of getting people to worry equally about the southern and northern borders. You have to look very carefully at the words used. The article says "The U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency has apprehended more suspected terrorists on the nation’s northern border than along its southern counterpart". 

Now remember about a month or two ago Napalitano ordered a stopping of apprehending of illegal immigrants on the Mexican border, just catch and release. So in the last 2 months if Canada border had one illegal arrested in the same timeframe, then "The U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency has apprehended more suspected terrorists on the nation’s northern border than along its southern counterpart", because the southern border had no apprehensions, just catch and release.  

To say that the northern border is a bigger problem then the southern border is misinformation designed to confuse and distract the voter from looking at what is happening on the southern border. Almost 400,000 illegal immigrants enter our country from the southern border each year. Compare that to the Canadian border.

Notice also that it says "than along its southern counterpart". This implies they select a portion of the northern border, take a matching "counter part"portion on the southern border. Depending on which portion they selected there very well could be northern portion with more apprehensions. It's probably accurate but it does not indicate the truth of what really is happening. It is intentionally misleading and its what the MSM does everyday to make Obama look better than he really is.

Just for a laugh see if you can find a negative story about the southern border by the MSM over the last 2 months. Good luck. You won't find any because negative stories about the southern border make Obama look bad. The MSM is responsible for making Obama's re-election campaign as positive and upbeat as possible. 

One more point. This is a CNS article which is the Canadian News System? Canada is secular, liberal, and progressive in their media outlets. Remember a few weeks back a poll in Britain named Rachel Maddow as the number one news anchor in America. As American's we all know that she is NOT the number one news anchor. Britain also leans liberal, progressive, and secular in it's media outlets. So the Brits are really not getting the truth from their media outlets either. If the poll picked Rush Limbaugh you never would have heard about the poll.

Be careful people. These news media outlets will drive you crazy with misinformation and just plain outright deception.
