Thursday, April 28, 2011

Pigs Fly: Massachusetts Democrats Neuter Unions, There's An Anti-Union Backlash

This is just another example of backlash against unions. The people and therefore legislators are at a point where some tough decisions need to be made concerning union compensation. In addition America is upset that public union workers do not have a right to strike, yet they do so anyway. Americans saw a teachers "sick out" which left working families suddenly without any child care, yet they still needed to get to work. If, as the unions say, everything is for the children, then how could they leave kids and their families swinging in the wind without child care. Any sick out, work stoppage, or strike by public workers is illegal and it breaks the union contract. Once the contract is broken all policies, compensations, and entitlements are up for re-negotiation.

There is no denying that there is a strong and growing anti-union backlash in this country that started when the Wisconsin teacher's sick-out occurred. Some is caused by the arrogance unions show when they threaten shut downs and work slow downs if they don't get what they want. Non-union working taxpayers are fed up with union complaints when the unions make higher wages, have better retirement plans, and better health plans than the non-union working taxpayer.

Union demonstrators are rude, lewd, crude, threaten violence, insult non-union workers, and have a bad attitude toward non-union workers and right to work states. Unions are better compensated than any other class of workers, yet they complain more, always demanding more benefits and compensation. The unions don't seem to realize they are offensive to, and not supported by the non-union majority of workers. Unions have successfully extorted business and government for better entitlements for years. These entitlements have gotten so large that states are going out of business because they can't afford to pay these public unions any longer.

The majority of American people want the needs of the state and federal government addressed before any individual citizen's needs. The state is more needy, should get help first, and has a higher priority than any individual citizen or union. Of course union members and unions always think that they are more important than anything else. They are wrong, greedy, selfish, arrogant, and elitist liberal progressives who have strong narcissist tendencies. They only think of themselves and have no tolerance for the issues or conditions of non-union workers.
