Saturday, April 30, 2011

Observations on Obama Part 1

These are topics that came to me as I was trying to come up with a good discription of Obama's presidency so far. I am trying to be open minded and fair, buy his presidency so far is such a colossal failure that it is difficult to come up with anything positive. These are my observations so far.

  • Broken campaign promises that Obama made are so many that it is impossible to say how many there were. He made so many promises at so many campaign events that no one could keep track. But there is one simple fact. If you identify any promise made by Obama on the campaign trail, I can almost guarantee that he has broken that promise. As far as possible promises he kept? I cannot come up with a single promise he kept from his campaign. Pretty troubling statistic for Obama and America.
  • Czars are one example of unchecked executive power. Czars are advisors that have not been confirmed by Congress. Qualifications to be a Czar are "none". He can appoint anyone, and he does.
  • Chicago Thug Politics. To accomplish his goal, any means is fine, and Chicago thug politics is the strategy of this administration. In Chicago thug politics you have a list of friends and supporters,  and a list of enemies and supporters of the competition, and you treat them accordingly. Favors for the friends, obstacles for the enemies.
  • Jobs and Economy are two subjects that Obama never goes near after his failed stimulus of about $800 Billion. He has virtually done nothing on creating jobs and nothing on improving the economy. I guess he expects these two issues will fix themselves. Every month new jobless claims of over 400 thousand. The unemployment rate is about 9% for those actively looking for work. If you count the unemployed that have given up on looking for a job, the unemployment rate is anywhere from 14% to 17% depending on the state. Obama's tax policies have frozen the job market until investors can see what he is going to do next.
    • Obamacare comes into this discussion of jobs precisely because Obama has knowingly passed his socialist health plan against the wishes of the American people, and has created a maze of new regulations and restrictions. Obama legislated and passed a large step to socialism without the support of the American people. He is an Elitist Socialist Ideologue who has forced his socialist views on the Amercian taxpayer against their wishes. Obamacare will have a huge impact on jobs. 47% of doctors say they will quit if Obamacare is implemented.
    • Four more years of this president, and America will be on life support in the Intensive Care Unit. He is dismantling America's ability to create new jobs by forcing a socialist Obamacare system that virtually destroys small businesses ability to make profit, and jeopardizes the entire health care industry. This discussion effects doctors, nurses, hospitals, hospice care, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, insurance companies, death panels, rationing, and every American regardless of their age.
    • For the oil drilling business his on-again off-again moratorium on drilling has virtually destroyed the oil drilling business in America. Everyone is afraid to invest because the government is changing the rules as we play. Yet Obama encourages drilling in other countries such as Brazil. 
    • Americans now own the automobile business in Detroit because of Obama's hostile takeover.  Why we own it, what improvements have we made, and how much money is this going to cost taxpayers are still undetermined. I have not heard a mention of the auto business since we bought it.
    • Obama is a destroyer, not a creator. He is an activist that attacks the status quo. He has no concept of being the President for all the people. He looks at everything as something of value that he can use for his own benefit. He looks at objects, institutions, and people as things to exploit and manipulate to forward his Alinsky-based socialist agenda.  He is a narcissist who thinks he's superior to the little people and he has no hesitation in lying, misleading, and insulting them. 
    • He does not care about America. He only cares about Democratic Party America. He never looks at the world and says lets build a better place. He looks at the world and says how can I hurt my enemies, and how can I help my friends. Everything he does is payola, kickbacks, and paybacks to support the far-left, liberal, progressive, Democrat, socialist, union, and pro-choice political machine.
    • He refuses to do anything to stop or slow illegal immigration into this country. He instructs DOJ, and DHS to not enforce existing immigration laws. Then he places a restraining order on border states who try to enforce their own immigration laws.
    • Obama has put more effort into the stupid "Beer Summit", than all his efforts combined in Israel, N. Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen, and Japan's earthquake tragedy.
    • Obama has made blatant racial decisions. He and Holder Ignore New Black Panthers intimidatation at poll, and refuses to admit it is a racist decision. If the poll thugs were white against black voters the perpetrators would have been indicted immediately.
    • To get his way with Obamacare in Congress he blatantly bought votes from members of his own party. Mary Landrieu (D-LA) received an offer of $300 million for her state if she voted for Obamacare. Obamacare was never read by politicians before they voted for it. Supporters of the bill voted for the bribes and not for quality of the bill. As the Mistress of Disaster (Nancy Pelosi)  had stated that we need to vote for it before we can find out whats in it. Which is probably the stupidest thing I ever heard anyone say. 
    • To get his way with Obamacare, he has accepted waivers from states and companies, and he has lost all credibility with the voters. It is a socialized medicine monstrosity that places bureaucrats making decisions between the patient and the doctor. It creates health care rationing and death panels, as well as no additional nurses and doctors for potentially 30 million more patients. The effect is that the Obama Administration has accepted more than 1000 waivers from participating in Obamacare. It's a failed policy if everyone gets waivers to get out of it's regulations and restrictions.
      • Obamacare was not wanted by the majority of Americans taxpayers. Poll after poll from all different sources clearly showed Americans were 60%-70% against Obamacare being law. But elitist Obama knew better than the unwashed masses and forced it through the congress. Obama also staged theater to get the American public to believe that the majority of doctors supported the bill. He invited health care professionals on the Whitehouse lawn, furnished them with white coats so they are more impressive as a group of doctors, and allowed the press to see the vast support among doctor's and health care professionals. He lied to the American people on a daily basis about the impacts of Obamacare. He said. you keep your doctor, you keep your ins. co.,no death panels, no rationing, and we all found out everyone of those statements is a lie.
      • Obama's administration have been appeasers and useful idiots for Islam and the Muslim population. He has proclaimed more support for Muslims than for non-Muslims. He has made decision after decision to be lenient on Muslims. For some reason he doesn't understand that the only goal of Islam is world domination and Sharia Law every where. It's stated in a thousand times in the Koran, but Obama acts like he doesn't believe it. So far Obama has never stood up and sided with the American people against Muslim injustices. He always supports the Muslim point of view. If a Muslim attacks and kills someone, then that Muslim must have been provoked by the non-Muslim. He never holds Muslims accountable for their violent actions.
      • Obama doesn't like wearing American flag pins, and won't put his hand on his heart during the national anthem. What ever point he's trying to make with these activist stances makes him look  petty and juvenile. To my knowledge he has never explained why he refuses to put his hand over his heart. As fas as wearing the American flag pins, he did say that he doesn't need to wear a pin to be patriotic. The same reason most liberal progressive Americans don't own or display American flags. It's embarrassing and tacky to show ones patriotism to this horrible, oppressive and imperialistic government. Liberal progressives are elitist activists, and above that sort of juvenile display of love for one's country.
      • Obama let the birther discussions go on for 2-1/2 years before finally releasing a valid birth certificate. He actually feels like he has won the argument for finally releasing the certificate. In recent public appearances he seems to be making fun of birthers and gloating about it taking so long to make it public. He has won nothing, and only wasted everyone's time and effort. The American voters have a right to know the birthplace of their POTUS. POTUS should have produced it when first asked 2-1/2 years ago.
      • Obama is more a union boss, then a political leader. He meets more often with union bosses at the Whitehouse than with any other group. He is intimately involved with the workings of the unions and has stated that if elected the unions would have their own president. During his election unions provided hundreds of thousands of dollars and hundreds of thousands of union supporters helping to convince voters that Obama is the "one".
      • Obama doesn't know what he doesn't know. Instead of seeking advice in areas he is not very knowledgeable, he usually makes the decision hastily with his limited knowledge of a subject because he doesn't want to look stupid. He rarely uses the experts and advisors that he's been provided.
      • Obama is Anti-Military and lets his disgust be known whenever possible. During discussions of budget cuts he always targets the military and the Pentagon. Now the military has large budgets and I am sure some spending cuts are appropriate, but Obama wants to use machete. He even went so far as to propose suspension of pay for soldiers in the field. I think Obama has that logical failing that afflicts all liberals, "He wants to disband the military like all the far left, because we don't need the military". When far leftist group Code Pink harassed recruiting sites, Obama fell silent, which is implied support for Code Pink fanatics.
      • The Far Left and Obama doesn't understand the need for the military. As long as at least one country in the world has a military, then we have to have a military to protect ourselves. It's called national security. The one major and most obvious advantage of having a strong military, other countries leave you alone. The second major, and obvious advantage of our military is that it drives technology. The military with the best technology wins! Therefore the military is always moving the technology envelope. It was the U.S. Military that created the original international network. Our current civilian international network has grown out of the military application. Thousands of commonly used technological devices were designed and developed by the military. A military that is behind in technology has a good chance of being completely destroyed.