Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Liberals attack Paul Ryan because his father died young, resulting in survivor benefits

OK, Let me get this straight. Liberals who live, fight, and die for the citizens right to public entitlement programs are attacking Paul Ryan for qualifying at the age of 16 years old for survivor benefits when his father died at the age of 55 years old. Paul Ryan received benefits until he was an adult at 18 years old. So why is he being attacked? Oh I get it. You have to be a liberal progressive socialist Democrat to qualify for Public Entitlements?

I hope this kind of nonsense does not prevent Paul Ryan from doing the job he needs to do. Pay very close attention because anything that is listed for possible spending cuts by Paul Ryan's proposal will be called a liberal catatrophe to cut, and the Democrats will fight against each cut as if it was the end of the world. The Democrats and their MSM, Daily KOS etc. do not understand that you can't keep all current spending levels. It will destroy the economy, and not produce enough revenue to rescue the over spending government. Every entitlement is not the end of the world if it goes away. Tough sacrifices need to be made. Seniors are impacted the most because seniors receive the most entitlements. So if you reduce entitlements seniors will appear to be hit the hardest. The Democrats think they can use the MSM, Daily KOS, etc. to paint the Republicans as monsters because some entitlement programs need to be cut, and deceive the American voters into thinking the Republicans don't really need to cut spending, they are just mean and nasty people. Democrats, MSM, Daily KOS, etc. live in a delusional world where we don't have to cut anything and the government can just borrow more money, and they can just demonize and villify conservatives like it's the conservatives fault for all the excessive government spending and/or needed spending cuts. Excessive government spending has always been a behavior and hobby of the liberal progressive socialist Democrats. The Democrats recklessly created the current insolvency in our government entitlements. They gave away the store and now they wonder why there's no store left to give away.
