Saturday, April 23, 2011

Andrew Sullivan Uses Trig As Political Prop To Attack Palin For “Using Trig As Prop”

The MSM and progressives are livid with anger because Sarah Palin is not hiding or ashamed of her Down Syndrome son Trig. She loves Trig as any mother loves any child, and is more positive today that she did the right thing by not aborting her child due to progressive public pressure. Too many hypocrites in the MSM. On one hand they say we love all the children equally, and on the other hand they encourage abortion for Down Syndrome children. On the one hand they expect you to hide the child like some deformed freak, on the other they attack if you bring the child with you on public speaking engagements. Don't children with Down Syndrome have a right to life. Ive seen Down Syndrome children show all the same emotions as any child convincing me that they are human as the rest of us, and in some cases even more human and fragile, and have a right to life. They enjoy life like the rest of us.
