Monday, February 28, 2011

Jarred Loughner Progressive Zombie From Hell

Progressive accuses conservatives for Jarred Loughner. He was not in any way a conservative. He was a liberal progressive.

He was obsessed with a conspiracy movie called "Zeitgeist", was an Atheist, Anarchist, Nihilist, liberal, who planned his attack in an orderly manner—bought a Glock 9mm semiautomatic in November, and amunition the morning of the shooting. He wrote notes that suggested complaints against Ms. Giffords over a perceived insult during a 2007 public event. The Suspect is called a very liberal pot-head, who reads Mein Kampf, Communist Manfesto, likes to watch American flag burn YouTube video, is obsessed with mind control, is registered as an independent, didn't vote in November's election, is a loner isolated teenager who was not a member of any political or social organization, was known by local Sheriff Dupnik for getting into minor legal scrapes, was a 9/11 Truther, and Iraq, Afghanistan anti-war Geneva Convention violation complainer.

So what exactly makes him a conservative?