
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Trump Takes On The Koran? Koran Takes On The Non-Muslim World

If Donald Trump is serious about his run for president then he should investigate and understand all the subjects. In an interview on CBN, Trump indicates the some say the Koran is love, but there must be something darker because you have devoted Muslims killing 250 innocent people in a supermarket. Mister Trump you did not do your homework. Islam puts all its cards on the table in the Koran.

Read the Koran. Do not trust anyone to correctly translate the Koran's meaning for you. Read it for yourself. You can't have freedom of religion, if one of the religions, Islam, is designed and committed to the destruction of all other religions and even destroying civil governments. Islam is a religion and a structure for civil society all grouped under violent, brutal, and cruel Sharia Law. The other religions will be wiped out using the same tactics, violence, deception, and manipulation that Mohammad used to spread Islam in the beginning. The Koran is the playbook Muslims will use to destroy non-Muslim religions, and to obtain Islamic domination. Mohammad and the words of Allah in the Koran are the game plan.

What you will find in  the Koran is attack after attack, insult after insult, hatred after hatred against non-Muslims. If you believe the Koran teaches love, peace, and tolerance then you must be listening to local Imams, CAIR, or Muslim Brotherhood representatives that lie (taqiyya) about the true intentions and beliefs of Islam. They are instructed to mislead and misrepresent Islam to Non-Muslims as peaceful, tolerant, and non-violent. Those are just words the Islamic PR department uses.

Look around the world over the past few decades and the only contribution you see from Islam is deaths, casualties, hangings, beheadings, bombings, murders, threats, honor killings and demonstrations displaying extreme hatred of non-Muslims. All you see is hatred for the non-Muslim western civilization. Hatred by young and old. The main themes of Islam is furious hatred for all non-Muslims, desire to eliminate all non-Muslims, and the goal of Islam dominating the whole world. Taking over the world one country at a time. Dominance could come this century or next century it really doesn't matter, as long as Islam will eventually dominate. A everyday in m any ways the world is marching in the direction of Islamic dominance.

The goal of Islam is to convert or kill all non-Muslims. In an truly Islamic society, there is only one permitted religion, Islam. Saudi Arabia does not have a single church, synagogue, or temple from non-Muslim religions. Non-Muslim religions are against the law. A quick review of Islam and the Koran is:
  • non-Muslims are Dhimmi (pay second class tax), convert to Islam, or are killed.
  • the Koran is hate speech from the first page to the last. All against non-Muslims.
  • Imams, CAIR, and Muslim Brotherhood lie to non-Muslims in support of Islam.
  • non-Muslims second class citizens, no respect, are unclean, their women are whores.
  • attacking, killing, beheading, stoning hanging, lashing, amputating, honor killings, and bombings are acceptable ways to support Islam
  • the goal of Islam is to dominate the world by any means necessary. Through violence, increases in Muslim populations in democracies, the exploitation of useful idiots, and terrorism will pave the way for Islamic dominance.
