
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Taqiyya: Imam English Speech vs Imam Farci Speech

Example of Taqiyya being Revealed and Understood by Americans

All claims of non-violence are lies, just read the Koran, violent start to end

19 Muslim Men hijack planes and crash them into buildings, and that's America's fault. Are Muslims responsible for anything?

The ins and outs of understanding taqiyya and how it is used in Islam to deceive and conquer unsuspecting non-Muslims
To disrespect or insult Allah, Mohammad, or the Koran are all possible death sentence fatwahs by Imams almost anywhere in the world. The dutch cartoonist was sentenced to death by the Fatwah of an Imam. Salmon Rushdie was sentenced to death by a fatwah of an Imam. For the burning of a Koran in Florida, 10 U.N. officials were killed in Afghanistan by the order of some Imam. All these fatwahs were issued outside of America.

The source1 link below is a speech discussing the mocking of Mohammad by non-Muslims, and how should Muslims respond. The interesting speech states multiple times that violence and killing should not be the response of Muslims for the mocking of Mohammad, Allah, or the Koran. The speech was given mostly to an American non-Muslim and Muslim audience, on American soil.

The interesting fact is that his speech denounces violence and killing as valid responses to insults of Mohammad. That is what is said to American Muslims. Worldwide Muslims have a much different reaction. World Wide Imams instructed their soldiers to go out and kill the blasphemers where they stand.

Why the difference between this American Imam and Worldwide Imams. It is because the American Imam is practicing "taqiyya". Taqiyya is the intentional deception or misleading of non-Muslims about the true intents and beliefs of Muslims. So the American audience listening in English to an Imam give the "taqiyya" response, hears violence and killing is the wrong reaction and should not be accepted by Muslims in America. The world wide Imams send their murderers out to attack the mockers of Mohammad. The message they are given is in Farci and is that it is their duty to protect Allah, Mohammad, Islam, and the Koran from insults and mockery through violence and killing.

The source2 link is a good overview of Taqiyya. Hows its used, when its used, and why its used. There are formal rules teaching the Muslim when and how to lie, and who to lie to.

So any Imam, member of CAIR, member of the Muslim Brotherhood speaking for the Muslims in America are constructing a straw argument so the Americans and non-Muslims can say to themselves "nothing to worry about they are not violent and they say violence is not permitted as responses to everything is OK". Therefore we have nothing to worry about with Islam. Islam is fine as a peaceful religion within our nation.

But what these American have been told and believe is an intentional lie to confuse non-Muslims. CAIR does it all the time, vast majority of American Imams do it all the time, and the Muslim Brotherhood in western nations does it all the time.

These same organizations CAIR, Imams, and Muslim Brotherhood give a completely different answer if they are speaking Farci within a devout Muslim audience, than if they are speaking English in front of a western audience. Faci audience "kill the infidels", English audience "be peaceful with the infidels". This is a quite startling contrast but I have found english and farci written speeches to say the complete opposite based on their audience. Remember it is perfectly acceptable to deceive non-Muslims in the support of Islam. So all informed Muslims know what is really going on. They understand that their leaders are suckering in the non-Muslims to believe things about Islam that are completely false.

This will be a tough fight to defeat Islam. The Muslims have had thousands of years to perfect their deception and lies. All Americans need to know about these tactics that are currently being used on the American public.

For example in history of this type of manipulation of the naive ones being deceived by the evil ones. You just need to go to the Munich Agreement of 1938 between Hitler and the British. They appeased Hitler and handed over portions of Czechoslovakia to help insure peace. The British accepted Hitlers word that he would wage no war against Britain. In war, there is no honor among thieves. All their are winners and losers. Hitler lied intentionally to gain himself more time to build his military machine that would eventually go to war against Britain. This is the same type situation. Islam in America is buying more time to grow their ranks for the future war over America. Someone is saying what the non-Muslims want to believe, but it is not the truth. Never judge Muslims by what they say, only judge Muslims by what they do. And always remember, one of the basic beliefs of Muslims is that non-Muslims are inferior and they don't deserve to live. So "kill them wherever you find them".

One other point. The MSM, liberals, progressive, and left in this country are believing the lies fed to them by American Muslims organizations. All Muslim organizations in America have made substantial effort to get into good communication with the "useful idiots". An event happens American Muslim organization explains what happened and the "useful idiots" report it as gospel according to what the Muslims said. The MSM "useful idiots" trust Muslim American organizations more that they trust Fox News, and conservative media. The are being played just like the communists in the 1950's played them. The "useful idiots" haven't learned from history.

It seems the MSM "useful idiots" seem to think that they can side with Muslims against conservatives and win the day. That has got to be one of the stupidest things I have ever heard. The only one who benefits from the actions of Islam are Muslims. If you aren't a Muslim then you will be a loser in the long run.

The Mockery of the Prophet Muhammad
(Imam Mohamed Baianonie at the Islamic Center of Raleigh, NC, delivered this Friday speech on February10, 2006)
