
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Top 10 Union Outrages. Fire Strikers, Fire Fleebaggers

Unions Should Be Ashamed
This single foul mouth protest signs says it all. Unions think they are owed something and are acting uncivil with foul language and name calling. Unions have been spoiled for too long. Everyone seems to know this, except the Unions. They deny their situation was caused by collective bargaining themselves right out of work. Their too expensive and cities and states can't afford them. All the teachers on strike and/or sick out should be fired!

Democrat Fleebaggers Should Be Ashamed
Fleebaggers should be ashamed of themselves. When there are tough problems you run and hide? Little girls run and hide. Adults stay and try to solve the problem. I guess you are all too embarrassed to come home. Who cares whether you ever come back at all? All Fleebaggers should be fired!

Top 10 Union Outrages: