
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Company They Keep? Jeff "stat rape" Epstein Pedophile Rapist Extraordinaire

Katie Couric, George Stephanopoulos, and Charlie Rose dine and socialize with billionaire Jeff Epstein. Billionaire Jeff Epstein is not your normal convicted sex offender. He is a deviant, pervert, pedophile, sex offender extraordinaire who purchases little girls for sex like I buy chewing gum. He was even found to be traveling the world with a young girl sex slave that he passes around to friends and guests. He was convicted of paying 40 young girls for sex. Apparently he knows the right liberals because he only served 18 months in jail.

Katie, George, and Charlie should be ashamed of themselves for attending a soiree' at Jeff Epstein's house. I really suggest background checks before you socialize. Oh wait, maybe they knew who he was already and didn't give a damn.

see the whole story here: