Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Poll: Americans Believe Obama Made Economy Worse

source: http://nation.foxnews.com/polls/2011/07/26/poll-americans-believe-obama-made-economy-worse

Let's rephrase that statement. Americans KNOW Obama made the economy worse. From the liberal progressive side of the government comes the failed Stimulus(wasted $800 billion), the monstrosity of Obamacare (with waivers for friends, destruction of the employer insurance responsibilities, rationing, death panels, individual mandate, disallowance of existing conditions, health care costs will spiral out of control), special favors for unions, the Dems Dodd-Frank destruction of the subprime mortgage business and the housing market, Obama's refusal to open up oil drilling in America, his OCD for higher taxes, and his lack of understanding about the economy. All his economic advisors were University Economics Professors. They have all left the sinking ship after destroying America. They all went back to hide in their Universities and not take responsibility for the mess they created.