Saturday, June 25, 2011

Why did The Post deport Jose Antonio Vargas’s story? With WaPo Approval, Illegal Alien Reporter Used Fake ID to Report From White House

Now the real issue of illegal immigration hits the fan. The underlying creed of America is equality under the law. Every decision or law needs to treat people equally. If an illegal immigrant is successful and leading a wonderful life do they have more rights to become citizens than an illegal immigrant  farm or restaurant worker who is just trying to survive any way he/she can?

I don't believe so. The opportunities one finds in life is from their environment, their family, and the financial stability and success of those raising the illegal immigrant. It is different for everybody. Vargas has done very well in America, but that does not make him more deserving of citizenship than others less fortunate.

I worked for a decade as a formally trained chef and in those days (1970s) illegal immigrants were common workers in all kitchens. They are hardworking, dependable, always in good spirits, send money back to their families in Mexico, and live the best they can on a small amount of under the table money. I have seen illegal immigrants with unmatched work ethic, unmatched optimism, and unmatched fear that they will be deported back to Mexico. When they were deported it took about 2 days before they were back ready to work again. I could not believe how fast they were back at work. I felt so sorry for these hardworking individuals. They made lousy money, worked really hard, but it was still better than being back in Mexico. They still preferred the constant fear of immigration than the hopelessness back in Mexico.

When does an individual's character become a factor in their ability to stay in America? By definition all illegal immigrants have a criminal record. They illegally entered the U.S. breaking immigration laws. But does that mean they should be prevented from staying in the U.S. and possibly getting citizenship in the future? I don't know.

Usually, when immigration is properly enforced an immigrant provides information about who they are, why they are coming to America, how they will support themselves, what is their background, do they have family support in America, and what is their criminal record if any. Based on the answers the immigration agent decides whether this person would be an asset or a liability to America. Assets are provided some Visa's with possible transformation into citizenship.

Is Vargas a better asset to America? Yes right now he is. But when he was 12 years old did his future look that bright? No it didn't. I personally believe Vargas was successful because of the hard work and strong influence of his grandparents. That's what kept him on track to be successful. At the same time if there was a 12 year old boy from Mexico who had grandparents in America, would he be viewed as the same level of potential? I think he should. He is starting with the same opportunities.

Let's look at today. Pundits on the left are going to be pushing for Vargas to get citizenship because he has done so well. They will say that he is a successful professional that deserves citizenship. But would these same pundits declare that a dishwasher who has been in this country for as long as Vargas, but could not afford college, be as eager to grant citizenship? The grant of citizenship should not be based on the "prestige" of the type of work or the education level someone has. In this country right now we need more dishwashers than reporters. Should need of the market influence who gets in? Should there ability to survive if they don't get in be taken into consideration. If the applicant isn't allowed in does he have enough skills and opportunity to survive oppression in his native country?

One other major issue is the responsibility of employers. If your employer knows you are an illegal immigrant, are they breaking the law if they let that individual continue to work. Technically yes they are breaking the law. Vargas works in the news business, His presence in the news business removes a job that a citizen would gladly fill. Is this fair to that citizen who could do Vargas' job, but instead is unemployed in today's market? Also does it make sense that an employer would knowingly provide an illegal immigrant a fake id to enter the White House press rooms. I think there must be something seriously wrong if the Secret Service did not determine his illegality. How can they let someone they don't know that close to the POTUS. I believe that WaPo and the Secret Service are in big trouble. Sercret Service should have caught the fraud, and WaPo should never have been a co-conspirator in the fraud. It's called fraud and violation of national security. Good thing Mr. Vargas wasn't a jihadist.

Is it me or does it always seem like the left is certain that laws and regulations don't apply to them. They constantly take the stance that they know better than anyone else and they do not have to follow the rules. They constantly fudge, lie, mislead, misinform, and perpetuate fraud whenever they feel like it. Perhaps someone should be charged with a crime? That might make them follow the laws.

Many of these issues I have been unable to decide. The issues are complex. But this country has put itself in a bad situation because millions of individuals we don't know are already in this country. Some working under the table (not legal, tax cheats), some working criminal activities (not legal), some living on public assistance (legal?), and some just not working (not legal). Should an individual already in this country have precedence for a visa over someone just applying to enter the U.S. through legal procedures? The person here might already have a job, and the new applicant does not have a job in the U.S. yet.

There is a huge set of requirements, restrictions, and policies for evaluation of those already in the country and those applying to enter. One has broke our laws, which means they are criminals, one has followed application requirements of the U.S. government.

I will be adding more to this after some thought! Too many issues right now, I need time to think about this more to see if I can find a fair way to treat everybody in this situation.

